Monday, November 2, 2009

The Answer


Well the question has been answered and I officially ended my streak yesterday.

Previous to that I ran:

10/29 13:26
10/30 15:00
10/31 12:41

My brother's awe inspiring, mind numbingly incredible, on its way to an ultramarathon streak has temporarily ended. I feel it is only right to respect this moment by sacrificing my own streak as his was stolen from him unwillingly by a back muscle that attempted to revolt as he tried to step outside for a 14 miler. How many of you stepped outside for a 14 miler this weekend? I stepped outside for a 14 minuter... but that's beside the point.

Fear not faithful followers!

Soon, two streaks will unite together as one in the epic battle of harmony and stride. Which sibling can attain the highest number of miles in one year! Dun, dun, dun.

Also, don't mention this to my brother, because he's still lying in bed and doesn't know about the plan yet. I feel revealing this to him at the right moment is of incredible importance as he is a tad bit disillusioned right now. But no war wounds have stopped him before! So rally the prayer troops so we can get this game on!


  1. Sorry to hear about your brother's back - I look forward to the upcoming competition. Good luck.


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