Sunday, January 4, 2009

Post #101.

Well, I'm as ready as I'm ever going to get. The sickness seems to be in flight and work starts tomorrow. I'm listening to "Vow" by Kutless because I forgot to on New Year's Eve(Did you remember Sadie?) I'm ready to get back in the swing of things and excited for the newness the beginning of a semester brings. I know my excitement for challenges won't last long but I'm determined to do my best and bless as many people as I can in the process.

Some things I'd like to work on this year in no particular order:

1. Decide on a topic and begin my thesis.
2. Record music with my husband.
3. Travel to another country.
4. Help my husband make it through his next semester with lots of yummy meals, encouragement, and excitement for his endeavors.
5. Grow the community either in people, goats, vegetables, service or spirit.
6. Be healthy.
7. Finish a half marathon and a triathlon sprint.
8. Ride my first measured century.
9. Beat my best 5K time.
10. Pray more, read more, love more.
11. Read through one book of the Bible in it's original language.
12. Practice my Chinese.

1 comment:

  1. Come run the half in May with the wifey, its all gradually downhill! Ftw?

    Also shouldn't there be one in here about watching musicals?


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