I don't know why, but I am obsessed with running fast as of late. Crazy, I know! This for me is very strange, and probably just means hitting the pavement louder and harder with a minute increase in time, but I just crave it. I want to go faster and faster but I only get slower and slower the longer I run! Drat. The other part of this you don't want to know about is that I have a condition where running itself gives me the urge to urinate. And as some might graciously put it, "the faster the the better." I read an article awhile back about how this is the case with a surprisingly large number of women. I usually try to combat it by going seconds before I run and saving most water consumption till afterward. Unfortunately it still happens and it did last night. I was running and wanted to run faster but had to go. So I went. In the bushes. I told my husband when I came home and his response was, "Why?" I looked at him incredulously replying, "Because I had to go?" What kind of answer would you expect to that question?
It's all such a weird phenomenon because I am not a fast runner. In fact I usually avoid running fast because I feel like I'll keel over afterward. I don't like feeling like I'm dying when I work out. I like feeling elated afterward like I'm a really good person, taking care of myself. That all seems to have flown out the window. I don't care how long I go, I just GO. Then I walk and huff and puff and then GO again. Each time my quads try to convince me that telling them to try harder is not going to work.
One thing that I've decided while on this probably short lived journey is that I don't really know how to run fast. I feel like I'm all over the place. Its as if there are 1000 different things to think about at once. Feet, step, stride, balance, arms, heels, rhythm, posture: complicated! Any suggestions to simplify the process would be greatly appreciated. Meanwhile, I'll just try not to break anything on my 100 feet sprints... err.. I mean 1000. *cough* *cough*
First! I'm obsessed with really fast commenting. Though I don't pee in the middle of typing. Usually.
Go knock out some Yasso 800's! Sprinting ftw!