Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Busy, I don't think this fully describes my life right now.

active, already taken, assiduous, at it, buried, diligent, employed, engaged, engrossed, having a full plate, having enough on one's plate, having fish to fry, having many irons in the fire, hustling, in a meeting, in conference, in someone else's possession, in the field, in the laboratory, industrious, occupied, on assignment, on duty, on the go, overloaded, persevering, slaving, snowed, swamped, tied up, unavailable, up to one's ears, with a customer, working
idle, quiet, unbusy, unemployed, unengaged

But it's close. Moving in the right direction at least.


  1. Buried is the most accurate, In someone else's possession is the most hilarious.

  2. Is your blue now, because you're sad also?

  3. It's taken me a few minutes to guess at the possible meaning of your cryptic posts. I'm guessing you are referring to the color of my blog. It is blue because blue is a good color for eyes to look at and because updates make readers happy right? I mean... reader.


Thank you for your feedback.