2 miles - 21 minutes I was supposed to do three according the training plan I got off the internet. Basically, I went on-line I looked up a half training program for how fast I want to be and then I looked at the last three weeks and I'm doing that. Hahah. Please feel free to not comment on how ridiculous this is. The best part is that on a real schedule this is when it actually begins winding down so none of the runs are actually that long. I know this will work though because this plan was designed by an expert!
In other news my back hurts and I think trying to learn how to lucid dream is giving me even weirder dreams than normal.
Also, I submitted my peace corps application and two abominations of essays. Henceforth, I will be blogging more because I am an English teacher and I should be a good writer but I won't be a good writer unless I practice so from now on I'm going to try to write more yet at the same time try to write better but only after this insanely long run on sentence because it's kind of fun to break the rules.
Have a good day.
Rock on Runner Dudette!