I am slow. How come one week of not running does more damage than one week of running benefits? Last night I ran almost a mile (my path is not quite long enough) then my legs went numb so I ran another almost mile back. 20 minutes with 1 minute break. Half on Saturday. I'm more nervous for this one than for the last one that I didn't train for at all. Mostly because my bro just ran an obscene trail half marathon with over 2000 ft of elevation gain. And yes there are supposed to be three zeroes there and THEN he had the nerve to complain about his time. He wanted under 3 hours, but he ran across at 3:03:38 after walking so he could pout for awhile. AND THEN irony came back to bite him in the.. well you know and his official time was 3:00:38. I say, serves him right. But that's only because my half PR is 3:30. So, you know. That's how it goes. So who is taking bets on Saturday? I bet five cents I can shave (hahaha, I should probably say cut zz top's beard with pruning shears) my half time down by one hour. That's my secret goal. My realistic goal is under 3:oo:38 on the completely flat course with .0001 feet of elevation gain (yes, there are supposed to be three zeroes). I need to get me some goos.
Oh and for his side of the story and for a more entertaining version go here: http://streakrun.com
And no that's not me. That's how good I WON'T look after the race.